
We will let you know about which is a public marketplace to communicate and sell your business. Imagine you are at a dhaba and you communicate with several people. However, you can also hear them aloud. You can sell any thing at a reasonable price. Our focus is business community who need to sell their business to other individuals or businesses. is a division of Intelisales which is FBR and SRB registered business entity.

If you have brick and mortar business or any virtual business that you want to sell, can you help you to achieve this.

How is it done?

For Any Users

  1. Register. (Free)
  2. List your business. (Free)
  3. Communicate with the interested party. Private messaging (Paid Service).


  1. Marketplace Business Match (Free through Listings).
  2. Due Diligence (Paid Service).
  3. Private messaging (Paid Service).

How will help you?

  1. With our own paid marketing.
  2. Bring your paid listings above free listings.
  3. Personal support for paid listings.

Merger & Acquisitions (M&A)

You can merge and acquire business by understanding your needs. We are part of several other companies. can assist you legally in M&A. We work with several individual and corporate lawyers. Our prices are very competitive. is fully aware of Pakistani corporate laws. Due Diligence

For Sellers

  1. Is your business registered with Pakistani or any other government authority?
  2. Are you registered with tax authorities?
  3. Do you file your taxes on time?
  4. Do you pay your taxes on time?
  5. Did you check on the buyer if they are serious?

For Buyers

  1. Do you have capital to purchase the business?
  2. Do you have knowledge about the business?
  3. Are you serious in purchasing the business?
  4. Did you check the buyer if they are registered company?
  5. Is the seller paying and filing the taxes?
  6. Have you checked the financial report?
  7. Have you interviewed and checked on employees, if any?
  8. What about on all legal claims? Partners


We assist individuals and startups understanding the development and creation of a company in discussion-like forums. For more information please visit We believe in innovation, product acquisition, talent retention, and supply change development that can benefit an entrepreneur. Many stakeholders must benefit in order for an entrepreneurship ecosystem to be self-sustaining. First of all, the formal education is not needed for an entrepreneur, however, it helps an entrepreneur to make informed decisions.

Furthermore, a formal education and training in the skills such as plumbing work or electrical work is important as compared with no experience at all. Fostering an entrepreneur is our core objective. An entrepreneur creates opportunities for innovation. This innovation is creating a value to the society. The result is an outcome of an entrepreneur ecosystem. 

Mumtaz Web Entrepreneur Ecosystem or MWEE handles all the legal and accounting services for MWEE can assist other individuals or groups in achieving other startup goals.


Intelisales offers telephone and email support. We cater telemarketing and startup businesses. For more information please visit Intelisales provide call center consultancy. We can assist from 1-seat to several seats call center setup. We have over ten years of experience in the call center industry. Intelisales can offer our expertise on data and voice services. We provide dedicated assistant from follow-up calls to email support or data solutions in spreadsheets.

KARACHI HOST – !آپ کے برقی میزبان

Karachi Host is found with the love of the Karachi city. We provide several services in domain registration and hosting industry. For more information please visit Do some thing different today! Our focus is to provide industry based domains and having a .COM domain is too general. We are in a Not Com Revolution! Now you can choose from specific, relevant, domain name endings that identify your business, your industry, or your passion. You don’t have to rely on .COM domain name. Other companies provide generic domain names. Karachi Host is focusing on industry specific domain names. Karachi Host is part of an entrepreneur ecosystem.